Feel Better, Move Better, Live Better

A strong body and mind lead to better health outcomes, higher quality of life, and improved performance in the things that matter to you.

What is High-Performance?

“We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” - Jesse Owens.

There’s two things in this world that you can’t buy:

Time, and Energy.

While both can be spent, only one can be created.

Energy is the currency of life. It fuels how you feel, how you act, and most importantly, how you perform.

To reap the benefits of increased energy, you have to focus on the things that give you vitality.

Spend an hour on exercise - get a full day of mental acuity in return.

Spend 45 minutes on extra sleep - get twice as much power in your morning training session.

Each moment you invest in your health will return ten-fold in a higher quality of life.

And the better you feel, the better you perform. Physically and mentally.

Being at your best is important when you accept nothing less than excellence. Where the difference between being 100% and 90% makes all the difference.

But giving 100% effort all the time can often come with unintended consequences…

Sacrificing sleep to work late into the night means sacrificing the next mornings productivity.

Sacrificing whole foods and home cooking for quick and accessible meals means trading your nutrition for convenience.

And sacrificing your time for work instead of physical fitness means you’ll pay it all back later, when you’re sick or incapable. Or both.

While it may seem like the best way to get an edge, sacrificing long-term health for short-term results is a losing game if you play it long enough.

But it doesn’t have to be.

You can cut your cake and eat it too (figuratively AND literally).

Prioritizing your physical and mental health doesn’t subtract time and energy from your life... It ADDS to it.

Waking up with a clear-head and no aches so you can be productive the moment you want to, and not a second later.

Being able to dominate your friends at their favorite sport, and participate in your families activities pain-free too.

Having the bandwidth to prioritize an active lifestyle AND a successful career, and feel great while doing it.

These are all things that result from a High Performance Lifestyle.

Being healthy really means feeling at your best - so you can perform at your best.

When you optimize for health and wellness you are optimizing for performance too.

This is the way of the High-Performer.

Someone who works just as diligently on their health as they do their business - so both can thrive.

Can High-Performance Coaching Help You?

Would you benefit from:

  • Jumping out of bed feeling well-rested and energized

  • Looking in the mirror and being filled with confidence

  • Moving through the day in a strong, resilient body

  • The ability to recognize, manage, & minimize stress as soon as it creeps up

  • Clear thinking under pressure for the most important moments

  • Longer stamina & endurance to fuel physical activities and prolonged mental efforts

  • More connected interpersonal relationships in all areas

  • A positive self-image

  • Reduced chronic health risks (and less medical expenses)

If you answered “no” to any of the above - then High-Performance Coaching can’t help.

But if you answered “yes” - there’s an enormous opportunity to improve your productivity and feel great while doing it.

The same approach that keeps professional athletes operating at peak capacity all year round can be your secret weapon to operating at your max potential without burning out.

High-Performance Success Stories

Pillars of Health (+ Performance)




Turning Health into Performance

When you enroll in High-Performance Coaching we take into account all the factors that may be influencing your body and mind - starting with a detailed review of your lifestyle.

While most people assume that Professional Athletes live a perfect life and that’s why they can perform at such a high level, I assure you this is not always the case.

I’ve spent nearly a decade working with the best athletes in the world and the same approach I take with them is the same approach I’ll take with you:

We develop a rock-solid foundation of healthy habits that you then can use to enhance the quality of your life, resulting in performance at your full potential.

Then, using the latest science and technologies, amplify that effect and reach new heights in how you feel - but it starts with the foundation.


Less than 1% of the population can actually perform with less than 8 hours of sleep.

No matter how much you think you don’t need it - when you fail to get enough sleep you are significantly hindering your cognitive abilities.

When you don’t get enough sleep you will:

  • be more emotional

  • make more rash decisions

  • seek out higher-risk opportunities

  • be less likely to learn from negative feedback or mistakes

  • have an impaired ability to critically think quickly

  • reduced concentration

Every High-Performer should value sleep if they expect to stay a High-Performer.

And that’s why we audit your sleep habits to optimize not only the amount of your sleep, but the quality of it as well.

This leads to improved mood, energy, and memory amongst a host of other longevity-boosting benefits.


You are what you eat.

We focus on using nutrition as a means for fueling your body to perform at its maximum capacity.

This means no restrictive diets, no crash-courses, and certainly no meal-replacement-supplements.

High-Performers learn how to establish a healthy relationship with food that includes:

  • understanding the impact the foods they eat have on their body physically & mentally

  • learning how to select foods based on their individual tolerance and reactivity

  • establishing frameworks for meal planning, timing, and consumption

  • using nutrition as a means to acquire energy through high-quality ingredients

  • limiting processed foods and sugars

The result is a body that craves delicious food in order to sustain a day full of productivity, energy, and satisfaction!


There’s a reason it’s not called exercise - and that’s because High-Performers learn how to make activity part of their lifestyle.

Being highly-active for 1 hour a day when the other 23 hours are sedentary does not contribute to a long and healthy life.

Instead we focus on including activities that are challenging, fun, and contribute towards to your goals.

This approach makes sure that the lifestyle you build is sustainable and allows for plenty of flexibility to keep up with your demanding schedule.

While structured training is certainly a part of it - it’s just one part.

The whole picture includes:

  • Frequent low-intensity activity to stabilize mood and metabolism

  • Stretches and movements that address biomechanical imbalances to reduce pain and improve daily function

  • Targeted exercises to improve desired attributes

  • A framework of goal-oriented training that does not lock you in to any one modality; but instead gives you multiple tools to accomplish your goals

  • A full-slate of anaerobic and aerobic conditioning of an activity you enjoy to reduce the risk of chronic disease

High-Performers learn to use activity to their advantage to not only achieve their desired physical performance - but to optimize their mental and emotional well-being.

Ready to Reach Your Full Potential?

Click on the button below to fill out the application for your journey into High-Performance.

You’ll be taken to a form to answer a few questions about your background, goals, and commitment before setting up a complimentary consultation. From there you’ll hear directly from me where we dive into the details of what it takes to succeed in the High-Performance Program and if you’re ready - we’ll transform your life for the better.

Still Not Sure?

Taking the jump into full time Coaching can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.

The #1 outcome of this coaching program is that you achieve your goals that are set at the beginning, and that you end the program feeling better than you have ever felt in your life.

Here’s what most High-Performance Programs include, but remember, everything is completely individualized to you and your goals.

  • Weekly Coaching Calls

  • Unlimited Text/E-Mail Communication

  • Physical Fitness / Training Program via State of the Art Mobile App (complete with videos & exercise library)

  • Comprehensive Physical Health Review

  • Sleep Audit

  • Sleep Habits Analysis and Report

  • Sleep Habit Recommendations and Guidelines

  • Nutrition Audit

  • Nutrition Habits Analysis and Report

  • Nutrition Recommendations and Guidelines

  • Fitness Technology Recommendations

  • Supplement Protocols and Discounts

  • Fitness Product Recommendations and Discounts

  • Sleep and/or Fitness Technology Data Analysis and Reports

  • HRV Tracking Analysis and Reports

  • Stress and Lifestyle Management Tools

I will give you the framework and all the tools to be successful in the 3 Pillars of Health. But. YOU have to put in the work in order to receive the benefits.

I am 100% confident that with my coaching combined with your full effort, we can and WILL accomplish any goal that you set. If you’re not satisfied with the results - you won’t pay a dime.

The Time to Maximize Your Life is Now.

Click on the button below to fill out the application for your journey into High-Performance.

You’ll be taken to a form to answer a few questions about your background, goals, and commitment before setting up a complimentary consultation. From there you’ll hear directly from me where we dive into the details of what it takes to succeed in the High-Performance Program and if you’re ready - we’ll transform your life for the better.